
Getting Started with Weaviate

How to use weaviate

Weaviate is a vector DB usually used for Retrieval Augmented Generation. I like it because they provide hybrid queries. You can use both dense and sparse verctor search. My goal is walk you trough the basics of Weaviate.

Starting a weaviate instance

Let’s get an instance of Weaviate running with docker:

docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 50051:50051 cr.weaviate.io/semitechnologies/weaviate:1.26.3

The python SDK

To interact with Weaviate, we’ll use the Python SDK. Install it with:

pip install -U weaviate-client  # For beta versions: `pip install --pre -U "weaviate-client==4.*"`

Create a weaviate.py file and add the following:

import weaviate
client = weaviate.connect_to_local()

Basic Operations

Creating a collection

To create a new collection in Weaviate:


Adding data

Insert data into your collection:

collection = client.collections.get("<collection_name>")
collection.data.insert({"property": "text"}, vector: list[float=vector)

Where vector should be a list[float].

Weaviate allows dense, sparse and hybrid search.


Perform a vector-based search:

collection = client.collections.get("<collection_name>")
collection.query.near_vector(vector, limit=10)

Execute a text-based search using BM25:

collection = client.collections.get("<collection_name>")
response = collection.query.bm25("<query>", limit=10)

Combine vector and text-based search for optimal results:

collection = client.collections.get("<collection_name>")
response = collection.query.hybrid(

#Generative-Ai #Search